Friday, October 21, 2016

Free talk and reading on theme of revolutionary poetry at Galway City Museum tomorrow

Thank you to Brendan Mc Gowan and the team at the Galway City Museum for inviting me to give a talk on the theme of 'revolutionary poetry' this Saturday, 22 October at 2pm. This is a free event and I'm delighted that Ndrek Gjini, a wonderful Galway-based Albanian poet, is able to join me to read from his poetry as part of this presentation, as well as speak on the subject of Communism in the Balkans as well as the poetry of Visar Zhiti and Vaclav Havel. I will be talking about Patrick Pearse, Thomas MacDonagh, Joseph Mary Plunkett, Anna Akhmatova, Osip Mandelstam, Pablo Neruda, Rafael Ziadah and contemporary Afghan women's poetry. Phew! It's a very broad topic and limitations of time mean that we won't be able to cover everyone but where would we be without a good challenge every now and then, eh? Come and join in the lively discussion, aimed for a general audience 15 years+. All welcome! Vive la revolution!

Here is the official promotional piece about our talk from the Galway City Museum website:

Saturday, 22 October, 2pm – 4pm 
TALK & READINGS: Revolutionary Poetry

The 1916 Rising is often referred to as a ‘poet’s revolution’. Taking this as her starting point, poet Emily Cullen will introduce the work of international poets of revolution – historic and contemporary – including Anna Akhmatova, Vaclav Havel, Osip Mandelstam and Rafeef Ziadah. Galway-based Albanian poet Ndrek Gjini, who lived through the oppressive Enver Hoxha regime in the 1980s, will also read from his work.
 Age 15+
Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966)

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